Covers complex resume layouts, especially for free-format, long-image, designer resume, and image resume.
Can highlight relevant experiences (skills, strengths), educational background (overseas universities, 985, 211), company background (Fortune 500, well-known companies, industry-leading companies in comparable industries), and other dimensions (team management experience, overseas experience, entrepreneurial experience, language skills) in resumes.
Can provide risk tips for time gaps, questionable educational background, frequent job hopping, and career changes in resumes.
Can standardize, categorize, tag, and explain text information such as company information, school information, skill words, certificates, and name pinyin in resumes. This can help even inexperienced recruiters accurately assess the match between candidates and job positions.
Provides category labels for skills mentioned in resumes. Includes 80+ skill categories such as backend development, chemical testing, accounting, mechanical design and manufacturing, machine learning, construction engineering, construction design and development, education and training, etc.
Parse uploaded local files into structured resumes and store them in the database.
Parse resumes from recruitment channels.
Parse resumes submitted by candidates.
Enable photo parsing and storage.